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Category Archives: La Leche League

Dealing with Series Meeting Blues

Originally published in LLL of New Mexico’s Enchantment, 1988 As I drove home from a recent La Leche League meeting, all I could think about was what had gone wrong. Gosh, I though, we started 20 minutes late. I forgot to say anything about LLL memberships. I didn’t introduce my co-Leader until it was her […]

Couples Meeting Basics

Originally published in LLLI’s LEAVEN, June-July 2003 I’ve planned, hosted, and attended only six Couples Meetings throughout my two decades with La Leche League. There are many Leaders who have never participated in one of these special meetings. I wish I could tell you I’ve figured out exactly how to make these unique get-togethers successful, […]

All Mothers Are Equal: Being Sensitive to Family Size

La Leche League Leaders have families of varying sizes. They also encounter mothers at meetings and in phone-helping situations whose families are different sizes. Acceptance of, respect for, and sensitivity to family size are important as we encourage mothers to breastfeed.

Red Dust at Morning: Ten Things I Learned on Our Havasupai Hike

Originally published in The LLLI Alumnae Association’s Continuum, 2003. I took the September 2002 hike with 36 women into the Grand Canyon. 1. I could train myself for something hard. As I lengthened my twice-daily walks around my neighborhood parks and streets, I wasn’t sure I could really train well enough to prevent soreness and […]

Packing for a La Leche League Meeting

Originally published in LLL of New Mexico’s Enchantment, 1987 La Leche League Leaders are bag ladies. They can be counted on to bring in boxes, files, suitcases, shopping bags, and trays of all kinds of stuff to an LLL meeting. Some Groups don’t have official librarians, reprint people, treasurers, or greeters. So the library, reprints, […]

If My Husband Ran Christmas

Originally published in LLL of New Mexico’s Enchantment, 1987 Las winter, as I was pushing our grocery cart up to the checkout stand, my husband pointed to a display of bakery-made pumpkin pies on sale for 99 cents and said, “Why don’t we just take some of these to the party?” As I pulled out […]

Giving the Gift of Appreciation

Originally published in Connections. Reprinted in LEAVEN. It was a dark and stormy afternoon at Pittsburgh’s autumn crafts fair, “Penn’s Colony.” As my mother and I strolled up to the entrance, the rain started so we huddled with other shoppers under a large picnic pavilion. The rain eventually turned to dry gray skies, and Mom […]

What a Conference Means to a Leader Who Can’t Attend

Originally published in Connections When I became accredited as a Leader in 1985, I couldn’t even dream of attending conferences. My kids’ ages and temperments, our finances, distance, and my husband’s shift work schedule in a potash mine made attendance seem impossible. However, the fact that there was a conference available to attend was very […]

What Does a Nonsectarian Organization Look Like in Print?

Originally published in Connections La Leche League is a nonsectarian organization, meaning we are not affiliated with and do not advocate any one religion, denomination, sect, or set of spiritual beliefs. But what does that mean in print? For Area Leaders’ Letters (ALLs) and other LLL publications it means: • Religious holidays are not referred […]

When It’s Been a Bad Year

Originally published in Connections, 1999 Sometimes a year will stand out in your memory as a bad one. It may not have been difficult every single week, or perhaps even every month, but looking back over a particular twelve months can bring overwhelming feelings of sadness, conflict, or anger. You can’t wait to throw out […]