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Category Archives: La Leche League

Where Do Good Ideas Come From?

Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #93, January/February 2001 I think on my feet, while I wash up a cup, tidy a drawer, drink a cup of tea, but my mind is not on these activities. I find myself in the chair by the machine. I write a sentence . . . will […]

Adapting LLL Articles from Non-LLL Sources

Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #92, November/December 2001 When a Leader reads an essay in a parenting journal, an airline in-flight magazine, or a chapter in a book, she may think, “Wow! What a great idea for a La Leche League publication!” Original topics for LLL articles can sometimes be elusive, and […]

A Kitty Hawk of Team Management: Taking Wing with a New Idea

Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #89, May/June 2000 Last spring my family visited the Outer Banks of North Carolina. A highlight of that trip for me was a visit to the site of the Wright brothers’ first man-powered flight of 1903.

The Mobile Home Office

Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #98, November/December 2001 A La Leche League administrator doesn’t always have the luxury of working at her desk all day. When errand clusters take you far from home, a little planning and creativity can help you take care of your LLL work away from home.

Preparing and Packing for a Major LLL Event

Co-written with Judy Minami. Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #80, November/December 1998 A multi-day conference or other major LLL gathering requires special preparation and packing. Your family may need help planning for your absence and your Area has invested in your participation at this event. You want to be alert and get […]

Using Your Voice

Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #68, November/December 1996 I had a bad cold last spring. And after about a week of coughing, sneezing, and general malaise, my voice finally just gave out one morning. After a few hoarse whispers indicating my condition to my husband and sons, I realized that things were […]

A Walk of Many Suppers

Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #72, July/August 1997 I often take my daily neighborhood walk in the summer during the Canadian “supper hous,” between 5 and 6 PM. I smell what’s cooking on the many stoves and grills and in the many ovens in my suburban neighborhood of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Mmmmm. […]

Good Company

Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #74, November/December 1997 In the 1940s, my father would hitchhike from college in California to Cleveland, Ohio, to visit his sweetheart, my mother. He couldn’t offer to pay the driver for gas, but he could offer something else. He carried a handmade sign that he held up […]

Key Functions of Effective Meeting Facilitators

Co-written with Elizabeth White. Originally published in LLLI’s LEAVEN Even when there are several Leaders at your Series Meeting, one person is usually designated as the facilitator, the one who’s actually “leading” the meeting. Attendees of Chapter or Area Council Meetings also need someone in charge to keep discussions on track and to make the […]

Leaders’ Children Need La Leche League, Too

Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #83, May/June 1999 I remember the moment so well. I was 12 years old, and I was sitting on our piano bench in my California home. Mr. Scott, the piano teacher, had just arrived. He started talking about all these little black dots on the sheets propped […]