Airports throughout the world get an International Airport Transport Association (IATA)code: those three-letter codes you see as you make plane reservations and printed on your baggage tags.
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) also assigns codes. For many airports, the ICAO code is simply a country “prefix” code + IATA code. The “mainland” US’s prefix code is K, so JFK becomes KJFK.
France’s country/prefix code is LF, so Charles de Gaulle airport–CDG in IATA–becomes LFCDG in ICAO.
In one week I’ll be picking up two suitcases from CDG/LFCDG. I’ve affixed pink bandanas to my bags, but, if someone on the Barcelona or Bangkok flight has also tied pink bandanas to her bags, I’ll check the IATA/ICAO tag codes as well. Then I’ll look for the sortie to the train, then metro ligne 4, taking me into central Paris.
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