Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #72, July/August 1997
It happens to all of us once in a while and usually when we least expect it. A lull. A break. A pause in the whirlwind of La Leche League meetings, projects, and phone calls. And although the break may be as short as a day or as long as a couple of weeks, it is during this lull that a measure of discipline and catching up is most valuable. Volunteers in LLL have found the following to be useful in keeping up with their work and preparing for the next busy period of challenges:
Take some time for yourself. Read a novel, visit with friends, go to the movies—whatever relaxes and renews you. The time spent nourishing yourself can help you work more effectively when the lull is over.
Catch up on filing. Going through your files, culling out-of-date and duplicate letters, sending duplicate publications to other Leaders, and preparing a well-organized file set for yourself and future administrators can help you feel confident in your resources.
Read publications. Going over back issues of LEAVEN, NEW BEGINNINGS, Connections, departmental publications, your Area Leaders’ Letter (ALL), and chapter from LLLI-published books makes you sharper and more confident for the next question, the next reference.
Write articles. LEAVEN, Connections, your ALL, and other LLL publications are terrific forums for your voice as an administrator. Making notes, outlines, and self-editing your own writing during a more relaxed work period will prepare you for meeting deadlines during busier times.
Invest in fellowship. Invite a co-Leader for lunch, write a fellow administrator a personal letter, or send a note of appreciation to a writer whose article you enjoyed. Putting some fun and personal warmth into LLL friendships can smooth the challenges of long-distance communication.
Cook ahead. Would your family welcome a pan of lasagna the night before an Area Council meeting? Might some loaves of homemade pumpkin bread complement the soup you hurriedly heat up for Series Meeting night at your house?
You know well the things that are hard to keep up with during crunches in Area Council and Group work responsibilities. It’s during the lulls, however brief, that volunteer workers can enrich and support themselves for the challenging work that comes in the days ahead.
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