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Monthly Archives: January 2007

Giving Individual Help at Series Meetings

Originally published in LLL of Western Pennsylvania’s PennsyLLL Points West, March 2000 As you start your Series Meeting discussion, you notice that the woman next to you is having trouble getting her newborn to latch on. As the minutes go by and she continues to struggle with her pillows, positioning, and her baby, she looks […]

Family-style “Eating” at a La Leche League Conference

Originally published in LLL of New Mexico’s Enchantment, circa 1987 I was sitting in a Shartlesville, Pennsylvania, doorway holding my stomach and groaning with every breath. “I will never, ever, eat again,” I said. And I meant it. I had just emerged from an all-you-can-eat, family-style restaurant and was not sure I would live to […]

A Country Mouse at an LLLI Conference

Written for LLL US Western Division’s Connections, in response to hearing criticism about conference goers who skipped sessions so they could go shopping. 1999. Traveling to the LLLI Conference in Chicago in 1995, I was a country mouse visiting the big city. I was living in a small, remote Alaskan town and had been away […]

The Silent Side Conversation: Managing Body Language during a La Leche League Meeting

Originally published in LLL of Western Pennsylvania’s PennsyLLL Points West, Autumn 1999 Leaders get frustrated with side conversations during many different kinds of La Leche League meetings. However, there may be a side conversation we’re having ourselves that is every bit as distracting and irritating. It’s through our own body language.

A 16th LLLI Conference Symphony: Sounds beyond the Audiocassettes You Bought

Originally published in LLLI’s LEAVEN, October-November 1999 There were many conference sounds in the Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel during our 16th LLLI Conference. Many of them were recorded during sessions and presentations; you can purchase them in the form of audiocassettes. However, many other sounds were just recorded in the hearts and minds of […]

A Star Delivers

Originally published in LLL of New Mexico’s Enchantment, 1985 “Better start boiling water and get some clean sheets—the baby’s coming!” So starts another Hollywood birth, and I’m probably watching it. I never tire of hearing childbirth stories at LLL meetings, so perhaps it should come as no surprise to anyone that I’m such a fan […]

A Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday in the Park

Originally published in LLLI’s LEAVEN, September-October 1995 Many aspects of the 14th LLLI Conference in Chicago reminded me of Georges Seurat’s painting “Sunday on La Grande Jatte,” people enjoying a Parisian park. Finished by Seurat in 1886, this well-known example of the pointillism technique hangs in The Art Institute of Chicago. Our conference was also […]

Drowning and Leading

Originally published in LLL of New Mexico’s Enchantment, Winter 1986 I almost drowned in a cave three years ago. It taught me a lot about leading and a lot about following.

A Taste of Chicago: Eating My Way through the 17th LLLI Conference

Originally published in LLLI’s LEAVEN, October-November 2001 From the topics du jour at the World Assembly’s “World Café” to the last bite of that silky centerpiece cheesecake at Tuesday night’s gala banquet, I ate my way through the gastronomic and educational offerings at the 17th La Leche League International Conference in Chicago.

Thinking Like a Newcomer

Originally published in LLL of Western Pennsylvania’s PennsyLLL Points West, Summer 1999 Perhaps it’s been quite a while since you’ve been to your first La Leche League meeting. I attended my first Series Meeting over 16 years ago. As a recent transplant into the Pittsburgh area, however, I’ve had the chance to relive being a […]