Written around 1977 Ridin’ on another midnight bus to avoid a motel Think’ about the last trip out and how you never can tell; And here I am on another plane with the headphones on, Listenin’ to C & W tunes for the third time around.
Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #93, January/February 2001 I coordinated the talent shows for the USWD TEAM Meetings in 1998 and 2000. I had never met most of the performers until a few days before the performance, and none of us had ever been in the buildings where the shows would be […]
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Co-written with Elizabeth White. Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #96, July/August 2001 Wouldn’t it be great if you could show everyone at an event who was attending and where they’d come from? Photo maps create a positive impression and a feeling of togetherness that warm feeling that sometimes only photographs can elicit. […]
Saturday, January 13, 2007
With help from Lisa Albright and Amy Crane. Originally published in LLLI’s LEAVEN, April-May 2002 When a Leader relocates, La Leche League often provides welcome continuity in the face of moving upheaval. Not all Leaders are ready to jump into local LLL work immediately upon arrival, however. The following thoughts and experiences from move-in Leaders […]
Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #87, January/February 2000 There is a wealth of creativity, affirmation, and information in past issues of Connections. Older articles (especially those written several years ago) may warrant another look in future issues. When starting to write for LLL publications yourself, orienting an administrator to her job (which […]
Originally published in an LLL ALL Plump and warm Soft and buttery Cut in the shape of two little hands, Take a nibble Get a giggle Sugar cookies.
Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #93, January/February 2001 I think on my feet, while I wash up a cup, tidy a drawer, drink a cup of tea, but my mind is not on these activities. I find myself in the chair by the machine. I write a sentence . . . will […]
Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #92, November/December 2001 When a Leader reads an essay in a parenting journal, an airline in-flight magazine, or a chapter in a book, she may think, “Wow! What a great idea for a La Leche League publication!†Original topics for LLL articles can sometimes be elusive, and […]
Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #89, May/June 2000 Last spring my family visited the Outer Banks of North Carolina. A highlight of that trip for me was a visit to the site of the Wright brothers’ first man-powered flight of 1903.
Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #98, November/December 2001 A La Leche League administrator doesn’t always have the luxury of working at her desk all day. When errand clusters take you far from home, a little planning and creativity can help you take care of your LLL work away from home.