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A Walk of Many Suppers

Originally published in LLL US Western Division’s Connections #72, July/August 1997

I often take my daily neighborhood walk in the summer during the Canadian “supper hous,” between 5 and 6 PM. I smell what’s cooking on the many stoves and grills and in the many ovens in my suburban neighborhood of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Mmmmm. Smells like meatloaf at the LaFlammes’, steaks on the O’Keefes’ barbeque, and pizza at the Glynns’. Probably fish chowder at the Boudreaus’, crab cakes for those O’Hara boys, and fried chicken at the McFarlands’. And maybe I’d better get started on the sweet-and-sour chicken my family’s having (since we usually eat at a more American 7 PM).

I love the variety of smells and styles I can take in on a brisk evening walk. And as I adjust to the new walking route in my new neighborhood in Pittsburgh, I’ll be searching for another dinner hour when I can vicariously sample neighborhood recipes.

I hope you enjoy the variety of writing styles, topics, and perspectives in these pages. I certainly love the collecting, arranging, editing, and laying them out. Connections is not an elite publication for certain writers only. It is for all Area Personnel within the US Western Division. That means you. Other administrators want to hear from you, how you view your job, how you think about the La Leche League work you do. I’m sure the women you work with in your Area or all across the Western Division would enjoy “walking by” your house to read what you have “cooking.”

Take a walk around this issue and get inspired to put down your own thoughts about the administrative work you do for La Leche League. This is your neighborhood, your organization, your publication.

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