Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Originally published in The South Bay Daily Reporter, California, Summer 1994. I sure didn’t think much about Native Americans sitting in a classroom in Robinson Elementary in the 1950s, a Dick and Jane book in my lap. There were no Indians left in Manhattan Beach. Nobody with Mongolian cheekbones or long shinny black hair. My […]
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Originally published in The South Bay Daily Reporter, California, Summer 1994 I’ve moved up the coast. Way up. To Nome, Alaska. Now Nome is a place you’ll probably have to look up in a geography book. Even if you’re watching the Weather Channel and the guy’s pointing out highs and lows, you might think you […]
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Originally published in The Nome Nugget, Summer 1995 When you read this, I’ll be gone. My family will be in Southern California for the winter. We didn’t plan it this way. I had hoped to be here for the Talent Show and Halloween. My friend Kaye and I were thinking of flying in to Council […]
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Originally published in The Nome Nugget, Summer 1995 Toddlers experience everything in the first person. Mommy is theirs, Daddy is theirs, toys are all theirs, and other points of view aren’t understood. Toddlers sense the world with their mouths, hands, and bodies and it takes great patience, strength, and physical endurance to meet their needs […]
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Originally published in The Nome Nugget, Summer 1995 The final day of the Summer Reading Program at the Kegoayah Kozga Library was this week. The weight of reading 30 books for my oldest son is also lifted. It wasn’t that Sam didn’t think he could read 30 books. Between Beverly Cleary’s “Ramona” series, Tom Swift […]
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Originally published in The Nome Nugget, Summer 1995 Long before Dr. Fleischman moved into Cicely, Alaska, in the television series “Northern Exposure,” viewers were treated to a sit com episode based in our great state. It was just one episode and it was filmed right after Alaska joined the Union as the 49th state. Lucy, […]
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Originally published in The Nome Nugget, Summer 1995 If you’re five years old, you are usually not all that excited about seeing very large wildlife. When you’re driving out of town in the truck and your Mom and Dad are talking about seeing moose and bears and muskoxen, you’re sitting very quietly in your seatbelt […]
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Originally published in The Nome Nugget, Summer 1995 The tundra is a carpet of fiery reds, oranges, and yellows right now and, boy, do we Nomeites deserve it! One solid month of rain has kept us a little bit muddy and a whole lot of crabby. So, when the sun finally did come out over […]
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Originally published in The Nome Nugget, Summer 1995 Something in my soul gets weary of all this light. In winter’s doldrums, I wish and wish for July days of sun. But when they’re here, I sometimes wish they would just go away.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Originally published in The Nome Nugget, Summer 1994 I grew up on another beach down the coast. Way down the coast. My parents moved to California’s South Bay from Cleveland, Ohio, after World War II so my dad could get into making movies. All through high school, he’d goaded his friends (including my mother) into […]